Taker’s difficulty is appropriately jacked up to a ridiculous level. You can also choose to try to end the streak by playing as any wrestler (besides The Undertaker, of course). One is a simple endurance mode, where you play as Undertaker and battle challenger after challenger. Fans love rooting for the Dead Man and seeing him remain unbeaten, so the addition of a mode that focuses on the famous streak is a nice touch. Taker’s never lost at Wrestlemania, with an overall record of 21-0. WWE 2K14’s other notable single-player mode is another tribute to Wrestlemania’s history, but one that focuses on just one superstar: The Undertaker. You could spend a good amount of time just staring at the 103 wrestlers on the character select screen. Speaking of those unlocks, you’ll have a massive roster of wrestlers to choose from by the time you finish the 30 Years of Wrestlemania mode, with a pretty even split between modern stars like John Cena and CM Punk to old favorites like Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage. Plus, you’re constantly unlocking new content, so you’re always rewarded with new characters and arenas while you enjoy the 30 Years of Wrestlemania Mode’s nostalgic trip through WWE history. The Ultimate Warrior from Wrestlemania VII), and some that did make it in seem unworthy and unnecessary (like Triple H and Randy Orton’s forgettable main event fight from Wrestlemania 25), developer Yukes has overall put together a great collection of enjoyable and memorable encounters.

And while some big matches were missing (no Randy Savage vs. The mode is surprisingly lengthy, but I was always eager to see which Wrestlemania moment I’d get to re-create next. Small details, like the grainy filters for the older matches, and larger ones, like the re-creation of every Wrestlemania arena, give the mode an authentic feel, and snazzy video montages set up the backstories for many of the more iconic battles. It’s largely a nostalgia act, but it’s a wonderfully executed one. While you just need to win each event to unlock the next one, you can get new characters, costumes, and arenas if you re-create specific moments as they happened in the actual match, like body-slamming André the Giant as Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania III or making Stone Cold Steve Austin pass out while in Bret Hart’s Sharpshooter at Wrestlemania 13. You play at least one match from every Wrestlemania, from the 1985 original to last year’s Wrestlemania 29.

WWE 2K14 offers a similar experience with its 30 Years of Wrestlemania mode, except this campaign re-creates matches from the WWE’s biggest pay-per-view event, Wrestlemania. Last year, I praised WWE 13’s Attitude Era mode, in which players relive matches and moments from one of professional wrestling’s greatest generations. Three top investment pros open up about what it takes to get your video game funded.